Membership Information

Per the National Association County Agricultural Agents (NACAA):


The NACAA is your professional Extension organization. Together, we all make Extension and agriculture stronger. Membership is a great way to be connected to your peers and to develop professionally.

The NACAA strives to:

  • Advance the professional status of Extension agents and specialists with agriculture-related Extension appointments.
  • Encourage, promote, and provide professional improvement for all members.
  • Provide for the exchange of ideas, methods, and techniques.
  • Represent professional interests of members in matters of public policy and affairs.
  • Promote public confidence, esteem, and respect for Cooperative Extension.
  • Recognize professional excellence in Cooperative Extension nationwide.


Our organization is geared toward Extension educators and other professionals who work in agriculture, horticulture, forestry and natural resources, 4-H youth development, community development, administration, aquaculture and Sea Grant, and related disciplines.

Join Now!

NM Membership Fees: Online enrollment available to be paid with a credit card or mailing a personal check.

Membership is open to all NMSU Extension agents, both 4-H and Agriculture, as well as Agricultural specialists. Member registration closes Jan. 15.

National fees of $50 and state fees of $30 contribute to supporting the associations ability to achieve their program goals, and support agent professional development and recognition programs. All eligible members are encouraged to submit for awards.

  • Returning Member: $80
  • First-Time Member: FREE (paid by the association, open to all first time NACAA members)

Please mail your check payment to address below. Make checks payable to NMSU with NACAA in the For line. Checks must be received by Jan. 31. Members are encouraged to submit membership fees at All-Agent In-service or before.

ATTN: Bonnie Hopkins Byers
San Juan County Extension Office
213-A South Oliver Drive
Aztec, NM 87410
(505) 334-9496

Refund Policy: Requests must be received in writing to Bonnie Hopkins Byers at by Jan. 15.

For more information, visit the National Association of County Ag Agents website.

Join Now!

image_1534527258.pngIf you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service, please contact Courtney Mitchell by 1/7/25 at 575-673-2341 or email at

New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.